Awareness to Live Well

Awareness to Live Well

Awareness to Live Well Awareness to Live Well Awareness to Live Well

Every Day is New Potential

About Heal Grow Thrive

Heal to Wholeness

Healing is knowing wholeness in all conditions. We are always whole, perfect and complete. Wellness and wholeness are more than being free from dis-ease: it is a process of growth, of shifting perspective, and changing how one thinks. The way one thinks or believes about the world effects the physical, mental and emotional body. Becoming aware that our wholeness comes from within begins the healing process. Join me in this journey of awareness. 

Grow Awareness

In order to grow and live well, awareness is my key.  Awareness begins with attention toward what is happening in your body, mind and around you.  A higher quality of life grows from how we experience, feel and interact.  Action or reaction directly effects livelihood. With awareness stress is subdued, dis-ease is reduced, and positive moments in life are ensured.  Today I invite you to become more aware of your own consciousness around health and wholeness. 

Thrive With Passion & Purpose

To thrive in wholeness and wellness, apply awareness.  This tasks comes with challenge, yet even with the slightest increase of awareness comes amplified connection to all endeavors. When applying a wholeness approach towards the world, community, career, belief systems, self care, eating, exercise, self esteem, and creative activities shift. Wholeness awareness thrives in the potential to live with passion and purpose. 


It is my pleasure to welcome you on a journey to awareness.  This journey like any outing has ups and downs, success and failures, adventure and turbulence.  All these experiences contribute to the journey. I like to think that out of chaos comes order, clarity and new point to move from. 

To assist the journey my goal is to blog, share audio and video files to offer energy medicine, activities and support as a comrade in this journey.  

Join me in Living Well with Awareness ~ Heidi
